Ask Mary Beth :: May 2021

This month I am diving into several questions. Know that I am very thankful for each of you and appreciate the questions. Keep ‘em coming! If you have a question you’d like me to answer, please submit it to me via email at

What does family game night in the Chapman house look like?

What a fun question! That can look different, depending on who’s at the table. We’re big Euchre players—a game I’ve played with my parents and siblings for years. Now, most of my family know how to play. We do two-out-of-three tourneys. If it’s grandbaby night, it may be a mean game of Jake the Snake or putting puzzles together. There’s also a game called Celebrity that we play around the holidays when we are all together. I’m super competitive and don’t like to lose, so the grandchildren have to be alert and stay on their toes—or Grammy wins everytime (wink).

What will you do as an empty-nester?

Oh, be still my heart! First things first, I’m gonna have a big ol’ loooong cry. Honestly, I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, and there’s no way this is going to be easy—or pretty. I’ve been parenting for 35 years now with, at least, one child in the home. This fall, we’ll move our youngest into The University of Alabama (Roll Tide!). We’re hoping to go to a lot of football games this fall, spend some time in Tuscaloosa, and grieve our empty nest! On top of that, I’m looking forward to spending more time with my best friend, traveling when I can with him, and simply doing more things together. I’m also very excited about some “me” time to focus on getting in better shape, purging, and catching up on soooo much! I’m actually scared and excited all at the same time. Maybe some of you can relate? (Feel free to pass along any advice you have in the comment section below.)  

How long have you been collecting items for The Blue Petal?

I’ve had some things for a long time but got really passionate about it last year when the world stopped for COVID-19. I can’t believe it has been more than a year since I’ve been keeping an eye out for these pieces that may make some of y'all a little happier. (Thank you for your support and encouragement!)

To read more about The Blue Petal, click HERE to read last month’s blog.
To shop (check out my brand new “Spring Is Coming” seasonal candle) head to

Favorite on tour memory with SCC?

No doubt one of the first ever SCC concerts in St. Louis, Missouri. He was backstage waiting to be introduced, and I was—out front—running his sound (basically starting his tracks back in the day). The pastor of the church came on stage, gave him a very kind introduction, and I started the tracks. At first, he never came out … and never came out … and his music kept playing… but he just wasn’t coming out. I didn’t know what to do! Everyone was kind of holding their breaths in anticipation, and then, all of a sudden, SCC came running in from the back of the sanctuary with his guitar around his neck. Come to find out, he had gotten locked in a back room and couldn’t get to the stage. The only way to the front of the sanctuary was to run outside around the church and come in the front doors. He came running down the aisle—panting—with the music track halfway through the first verse of “First Hand,” his first single to radio. For years, we laughed and laughed about that!

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