The Blue Petal ... What? :: February 2021

“The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” — Psalm 34:18 NIV

I’ve had a lot of people ask me why I decided to start The Blue Petal. The short answer: I’m not sure to be honest. But I can, with all sincerity, “type”… to give you a glimpse into something I’ve always loved and how, as I started down this path—dabbling in something I love—I began to feel better. Another place of healing where I least expected it!  

God is in every detail... in everything we do. He goes before us. And He meets us on our journey, bringing healing to our brokenness and using it in ways to encourage others!

The Blue Petal… That precious flower drawing Maria left us on the day she went to be with Jesus. A six-petal flower with one of those petals colored in a bright shade of blue! Maria’s favorite color.

In our deepest broken place of loss, that flower, to me, represented her petal colored in as if she was telling us that she was whole and fully alive in heaven. The other five uncolored petals represented my other five children, who together with my husband and me, would begin the long walk out of grief and loss and… a lot of brokenness.


Fast forward almost 13 years, and this little idea for The Blue Petal was born. Honoring loss and brokenness and how God uses them to shape and heal us to a better understanding of who He is.

With more time at home, I’ve found myself blending my love of vintage glassware, planters, pots—anything old that catches my eye—with my rediscovered love of gardening. This year, I’ve found myself growing and learning a lot about succulents! My little “happies” (as I like to call them) have been a way to connect something old with something new… creating a match made in, well, my backyard.


In short, The Blue Petal is a stop along the internet where you’ll find what I call… “Sad Things Made Happy,” “Broken Yet Useful in Spite of the Blemish”… giving new purpose to something that has been set aside or forgotten.

God does not waste brokenness. He takes brokenness and uses it to heal us… to reveal more about Himself and to remind us of a day that is coming. One day, we will SEE all sad things becoming untrue. Our hard things. Our broken things. We will witness healing and happiness restored—to finally understand the perfect plan God had in all of the sad things.

My prayer is simple, for The Blue Petal to serve as a fun and creative reminder that even in the darkest times—when everything seems shattered—God is there. He is the one nudging our hearts to anchor to the hope that one day every tear will be wiped from our eyes, and sad will be made happy.